Dean Auslender testimonial

Finally a Solution

Everyday life just felt really hard for Dean. Overweight, overworked, sluggish and generally uncomfortable were constant reminders that something needed to change.

He longed to be energetic, disciplined, fit, agile and flexible in his body, surely this was possible? He’s only 39!

 He searched high and low for a solution. Spent time each week at one of those 24hr fitness centers, had a personal trainer twice a week, tested new diets every other month and still, he just wasn’t getting the results he was after. His goal was simply to lose that excess weight that he put on after his kids were born, to find the energy to play with them on the weekends and to just feel good. 

When he heard about Hero he was skeptical. An online program designed to optimise both physical and mental health? With personal coaching? A simple meal plan? Constant guidance and accountability support? He thought, “How can they do that online?” He had nothing to lose and was at a point of desperation. He knew he couldn’t go at it alone anymore. 

He dropped 7kgs in 12 weeks. Although that is impressive, it’s not nearly as remarkable as the fact that he has kept it off and now frequently checks in to let us know that he is full of energy and enjoying a lifestyle he thought was lost.

Dean has now discovered that a healthy lifestyle, the one he was so desperately searching for, was always present and available for him. He just didn’t have the tools, the support or the education to make radical changes to his life. He needed 24/7 support, a team of coaches dedicated to his success.  A gym membership and a few one hour sessions a week with a PT just wasn’t going to cut it.

If you want to discover what Dean has come to know and the benefits he now experiences with his wife, two kids and growing an online business, Let’s connect on a Breakthrough Call today!

Paul and Dan, I can’t thank you guys enough for everything you have done. So good to connect with you guys on such a regular basis and find solutions to any challenges. You really do offer amazing support and advice.

Rahul Gosain
