be the HERO your kids want and need you to be

We are HERO

Improving your mental, emotional, and physical health so you can be a better parent


Creating a better life for busy mums and dads

Personal experience often inspired us to help others. It’s the momentum you get when you don’t want others to go through the same thing as you because you know you can help them do and be better.

In those moments of parenthood where things can become overwhelming, where your life starts to revolve around another being, one who looks to you for everything they need, it’s easy to lose yourself – to start putting yourself last.

HERO Program for busy parents


Being a better parent starts by being a happier, healthier you

This is what Paul from HERO have learned firsthand. This is what they want to share with you. Not another weight loss program; no. Instead, a program that helps you to build better habits without the need for hours at a gym or calorie counting, or trying to squeeze a whole new thing into an overwhelming day. Paul has been able to take what they’ve learned through their parenting experiences to create a program that easily fits into a busy lifestyle, that offers support every step of the way, that can help you put you first so you can be healthy, resillient, and ready to be the HERO your kids want and need you to be.

HERO is a lifestyle program built to help you, as a parent, to create a better life for you and your children by prioritising your health and wellbing and building healthy habits into your life.


Meet the team helping you to be better

Paul Glezer

Founder & Head Coach

Paul has recently experienced fatherhood for the second time and all that comes with it. He has realised that it is a profound shift for many fathers and mothers, and appreciates that many things change as a result of being a parent.

The first thing he noticed when his friends began to have children was that their health was the first to be sacrificed. This inspired him and his business partner Daniel to create HERO. A program initially designed to help dads has evolved to support both mums and dads so they can excel in life and feel good – at home and at work.

Paul has used his 20 years of knowledge and experience in strength and conditioning as well as mobility training, and combined them with his Holistic Life Coaching knowledge to guide his clients to overcome limitations and soar.

Our Mission and Values

HERO is a lifestyle program built to help you
Are you ready to take the first step towards being the best you that you can be? Are you ready to be the HERO in your life and theirs?