Paul Glezer - Melbourne-based Health Coaching

We Got You!

If you are a busy dad but not completely satisfied where your health is at but are keen (desperate) to want to change your body, energy levels and nutrition, doing research isn’t really enough, right? You need to take decisive action. You need intention and you need support.

Why wait till New Year’s Day to make a commitment. Every day is fresh and new, actually, every minute is fresh and new so there is no better time than now to take action. Thankfully we have you covered.

Are you directionless and lost when it comes to exercise? We got you!

Are you unsure of what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat? We got you!

Are you unable to commit to daily practices that will upgrade your health-life, love-life and work-life? We got you!

We have built a holistic health program because we know a fitness program just isn’t enough. A busy dad needs comprehensive support that covers everything from exercise to nutrition to lifestyle. Let’s kick start your transformation today! Schedule a time to speak with me today! I am pumped and ready to go.

Hero came to me at the perfect time in my life. I have taken away many positive lessons from my time with Paul and Dan.

1. “It is ok to ask for help” – I find the more I ask for help, the more I grow.

2. “Just keep moving” – famous words from Dan and Paul, yet so simple and my body has never been happier.

3. “You can always find 10-20 minutes” – again, this realisation came as a revelation to me.”

Simon Olenski
