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To Quit or Not to Quit

Here are some interesting stats about New Year’s Resolutions.

‘Quitter’s Day’ in 2019 was January 18th because less than three weeks into a New Year’s Resolution, over 80% of people quit!

Interestingly, 88% of people who participate in goal setting with personalised support and community, enjoy long term success with the complete realisation of all their goals.

I just wanted to write about this today because it is holiday season and maybe for you, New Year’s Resolutions are being considered or planned. We want you to reach your goals! So let’s connect on a Breakthrough Call and explore where you are at and where you want to go in 2020.

Hero has been an absolute life changer for me. I came to this program 8 months after my daughter was born. I was exhausted, overweight and struggling to make the wellbeing changes I knew I needed – I was stuck. I turned to Paul and Dan for support after seeing the real-life results that previous Hero graduates had achieved and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. The results have been incredible!

Jarod Kaplan
