Melbourne Weight-loss Program

Keeping it Real

What is the best gift you could give yourself during this holiday period? Yep, you guessed it, the gift of health, vitality and love. With the holiday period fast approaching, how do you keep things in check and stay on track with your health? How do you stay accountable when there is yet another party to attend? How do you remain stable, solid and clear when everyone is desperate for you to have another drink?

We have all faced these questions and yet sometimes we don’t know the answer. Thankfully, we are here for you. At Hero, we are right there with you at the party, in that moment of consideration or reflection, fear or doubt. We offer real time, customised support so you stay committed and focused on your short term and long term goals. 

There is no wrong way, only the Hero’s way, which is a way of life rooted in empowered choices, clarity and giving, giving, giving. I want to keep you on track these holidays, so if you are struggling with how to be empowered and say NO to that drink or doubt that you will be able to say NO to another piece of cake let’s connect on a Breakthrough Call. This could be the perfect New Year’s gift you give to yourself.

Since working with Dan and Paul, I have made significant changes to every area of my life and created new positive habits that are inbuilt and feel like they are just part of who I am now. I tried to make these changes for years but I could never sustain them. Somehow with their support, encouragement and guidance, I am making healthy choices with my nutrition, I am communicating better with my family and I have finally managed to find time to bring daily exercise into my life.

Sam Faraj
