Eat healthy food you'll love

Controlling Your Environment

Chocolate in the pantry, ice cream hidden under the ice trays, lollies in the side panel of your car, a stash of snacks in the bottom drawer of your desk at work, sound familiar? If this is you, no wonder you are struggling to make a significant change when it comes to your health and eating habits. We’ve all got our secret stashes, our little rewards we offer ourselves after a big promotion, big day in the office or big training session but is this ruining your gains, your chances to win!

The good news is, we’ve seen this time and time again and we know the solution to these (secret) habits. Want to know our strategies to make a change? Schedule a time to speak with one of our coaches today. I promise you it will be a game-changer, a life changer! It’s free so you have nothing to lose.

I’m in my 14th week and continue to love the support Dan and Paul have given me. Dan and Paul have identified and created an awesome program for getting Dads to where they want to be physically, emotionally and mentally. It is a very holistic program where they both have your back and immediately delivers value within a week. The weekly check-ins, daily chats combined with the nutrition, workout training and 1:1 approach make this an invaluable program for a Dad. Can’t recommend it enough.

Nick Pape

Digital Marketing Manager