Wake Up

Wake Up!

So how do we effectively rehydrate after waking up?

The answer is to drink water! Not coffee :).

When you drink coffee on an empty stomach, your bloodstream gets an incredibly fast hit of caffeine. This releases stress hormones that propel you into fight or flight mode. To put it simply, waking up with caffeine tricks your body into feeling as though it is being chased by a lion! Sound stressful? 

By drinking a glass of fresh lemon water with a tiny pinch of salt, you will not only rehydrate but you will also take in essential nutrients and minerals such as potassium, calcium and zinc. A much more relaxing and beneficial way to start your morning.  And feel free to enjoy a coffee shortly after!

At Hero, we are all about optimisation so much so that we have a loaded program with lifestyle hacks, nutritional tips and tricks and intelligent exercises that make life easy for you, a busy dad. Want to know more?  Schedule a time to speak with one of our coaches today.

The main thing I was looking for was accountability and they delivered that in SPADES! It is like having your own private cheer squad at your fingertips! I lost 9kgs in 12 weeks! I can’t thank Dan and Paul enough and if you too are a busy dad considering making some health and lifestyle changes, I would say, JUST DO IT! These guys will make it work for you and if you put in, you will get it back 10-fold!

Dom O’Brien

Marketing Manager