Paul Glezer - Mobile Personal Training and Health Coaching

Creating a Habit

There are days where I jump out of bed full of zest and positivity and then there are the days where I want to snooze all morning because I feel sluggish and lazy. Of course, jumping out of bed when I feel good is easy and joyful to do but it’s getting myself out of bed on those sluggish mornings that make me a better person. Taking action no matter how negative or uncomfortable I feel. That is what pushes me to grow.

Creating a new positive habit for yourself can be a challenge initially and feel a bit uncomfortable and unnatural. Just like putting on a new pair of shoes. Your old shoes feel so comfortable as they have molded to your feet but they have holes in them and no longer support you. Your new shoes take a bit of time to wear in but soon enough you don’t notice you are even wearing them. Much like creating a new habit, after a few weeks, a new habit is created and becomes effortless. 

So many dads I have coached have been trying to change old habits for years and with no success. At Hero, we have seen that it is the personal support from a coach who has gone before you and accountability that makes all the difference. It can take time to change a bad habit so why try to do it alone when it is so much easier to get results when you have support. 

So, if you feel like you could use some support on your way to creating more positive and healthy habits book your free Breakthrough Call to hear about our proven system that will make permanent changes possible.

The best decision I made in at least 10 years for my body and health – to commit to the Hero programme! Back pain is much reduced and I feel fit, strong and energised for the first time in years; growing in upper body strength (which I have never had) for further decades of surfing, football and cricket with the kids. Easy for me to stay accountable through the app with Dan & Paul’s absolutely perfect support, 250 workouts and counting having never been in a gym or worked out in my life….! Reach out to these guys, you owe it to yourself and your long-term health to do it RIGHT NOW!

Henry Dingle

Academic Mentor